Years of aggressiveness disappeared in a few months

Lea, mother of a 6-year-old son

My son was three years old when we first started having problems with his behavior. Our main concern was his aggressiveness. It quickly became common that if someone got hurt in kindergarten, my son was the culprit. When the children were playing, and I heard one of them cry out, I knew without looking what had happened. We were in serious trouble with our son.

The situation escalated to the point where the parents of the other children went to the kindergarten director and said that it couldn’t go on like this anymore. The kindergarten teachers couldn’t manage to discipline my son, and neither could I. Finally, my husband pointed out that if our son was already hurting others with his aggression, what would happen when he grew up? The thought that my own son could unintentionally and irreparably harm someone in a fit of rage was very frightening.

Lea child aggressiveness disappeared in a few months

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

Aggression was one concern.

My son also had problems with concentration. He could not or did not want to listen to instructions. During swimming practice, he never managed to participate in the lesson from start to finish. He always found other activities for himself, and it was impossible to get him to follow along with the others. I was very ashamed of that.

We were seriously worried about how he would manage to continue his education. The kindergarten teachers couldn’t cope with him, and we wondered if he should be placed in a small class at school. There was talk of attention deficit disorder and the need for medication. All this had a very devastating effect on our family, and it seemed there was no good solution to the situation. Then, on the recommendation of an acquaintance, I took my son to MER Biofeedback® therapy.

Lea pere pikk pilt

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

My son and I attended biofeedback therapy six times over six months, and now I have a brand new son!

He is calm, cheerful, and we have had no problems with his behavior. The aggression is gone. I remember the first swimming practice after the fourth therapy session particularly well, as I couldn’t help but marvel at how well my son participated from start to finish. My mouth dropped open, and I thought, “Wow, this really works.”

My son was five years old when he started therapy, which means we had struggled with his problematic behavior and sought help from various specialists for several years. My family and I were losing hope when we finally found relief with MER Biofeedback® therapy.

The change in my son was so significant that everyone noticed. The kindergarten teachers even came to find out what we had done. It was truly like a miracle! No one talks about the need to place him in a special class anymore. Now, when he gets upset, he no longer hits but uses words. The speech therapist also praised the significant improvement.

MER Biofeedback® therapy has been a life-changing experience for us. We can enjoy our son again and be proud of what he is capable of achieving. Most gratifying is that our son himself is noticeably more satisfied.

Others have been inspired by our journey, and several of my acquaintances have sought MER Biofeedback® therapy for similar concerns. I continue to attend therapy and plan to do so for a long time because of the immense benefits I’ve experienced. I am significantly calmer and happier, and I have completely overcome the compulsions that previously plagued me.

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia