Low self-esteem no longer holds me back

Stina (31)

I have two children in my small family and a very good relationship with my husband, but I have not been able to fully realise myself. I repeatedly faced the fear of failure, which prevented me from changing my life. Through MER Biofeedback® therapy, I discovered that I had low self-esteem and that I was the one preventing the changes I desired.

How can you be satisfied in the moment and feel the happiness you are living right now? How do you not only dare to dream but also take steps towards those dreams? How do you value yourself despite your imperfections? I have constantly searched for answers to these and many other questions in my life, as many of us probably do. Like other seekers, I’ve explored various activities and therapies in an effort to find ways to more successfully answer these questions. Ultimately, we all have to discover the answers for ourselves.

Stina low self-esteem

Author of picture: Private Collection

Thanks to MER Biofeedback® therapy, I learned that I could acquire knowledge, work hard to improve every day, and still get nowhere if I continued with my old familiar patterns, just a bit more intelligently. Knowledge alone is not all-powerful. You can analyse deeply with your mind, but your body’s memory can still hold onto things that are not easily shaken off by thought alone. My main enemy was still low self-esteem.

I entered MER Biofeedback® therapy without any expectations, just open to the possibilities.

After the first session, I noticed several important changes. A few weeks later, I found myself sleeping deeply. Previously, I was disturbed by every little sound, but now I could suddenly enjoy undisturbed, deep sleep.

It also seemed that the noise of the world had quieted down a bit. Hostile people no longer felt like personal attackers as they used to. I stopped accepting every criticism as a personal fault and trying to apologize for others’ problems in every minor conflict. These issues no longer affected me as they once did. I had learned to distinguish between what was mine and what belonged to others.

After the second session, I distinctly remember a strong feeling of joy. I didn’t consider myself a particularly cheerful person before, but I could vividly feel the difference after the session. My whole perspective on life suddenly seemed brighter. I smiled, laughed, and just enjoyed the people and the world around me. The various worries and circumstances I had before were still there, but now it seemed there was much more good to be happy about. This feeling carried me for a long time.

Each therapy session has been different, but they have all offered immediate relief and a feeling of lightness.

Stina pilt

Author of picture: Private Collection

Each therapy session has been different, but they have all offered immediate relief and a feeling of lightness.

Peace and clarity of thought have emerged. I feel less anxious and less influenced by the outside world. Although I had completely buried my dreams for a while, a few months after starting biofeedback therapy, I have taken some decisive steps towards them. I no longer feel held back by low self-esteem.

While my knowledge hasn’t changed much since before MER Biofeedback® therapy, I now have more strength, energy, willpower, and the mental space to accept new experiences and see the world differently. The most vivid example of this change is in my family life. Before, I often felt overwhelmed, my mind was tangled, my soul heavy, and every little mess or the children’s crying could make me feel hopeless. Now, I take these mishaps in stride and don’t let the children’s moods upset me. I am more content and accepting of others, but most importantly, of myself.

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia