ADHD symptoms resolved in both mother and child

Signe, Mother of a 13-Year-Old Child

Both my son and I have been diagnosed with ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We both suffered from symptoms such as an inability to focus and complete tasks, leading to multiple activities being started but not finished. Our thoughts would wander, and strange connections would emerge. Sometimes, our minds were so full of different thoughts that it felt like our heads would split.

ADHD symptoms resolved

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

I wanted to get more information about ADHD. I read about the experiences of other people with the same disorder on the internet and also found a website that introduced MER Biofeedback therapy. Although I was sceptical at first, I decided to give it a try.

The therapist was very friendly. My son, who is usually withdrawn and does not interact with strangers, felt comfortable enough to communicate freely with her. After the first therapy session, both my son and I felt calmer and were better able to understand and concentrate.

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The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

While my ADHD child had previously suffered from tantrums, they subsided after the first therapy session.

We attended therapy five times over the course of five months. The results have been phenomenal for us! We have regained our peace of mind and no longer worry about the little things. Impulsive behaviour has significantly decreased, and obsessive thoughts have subsided. We can focus better on one activity and stay calm in stressful situations.

My son has always wanted to be a good student, but ADHD hindered his efforts. He didn’t do well in school and was unhappy and frustrated because of it. Now that he can focus on his studies, his grades have improved significantly. Even if he sometimes gets a lower grade, he doesn’t let it bother him. He is much more optimistic and positive.

Our son and I received invaluable help from MER Biofeedback therapy, it was the right choice for us! I recommend you try it because a normal quality of life is worth it!

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia