Stroke – recovery using MER biofeedback therapy

Karmel (28)

My name is Karmel, and I am 28 years old. By nature, I am an active and positive person. On November 24, while doing my usual exercise, I suddenly felt my legs go numb and my right arm wouldn’t move. I grabbed my things with my left hand and quickly went to the dressing room. My friend took me home, and later we called an ambulance. I was diagnosed with a stroke and paralysis on the right side of my body.

After the diagnosis, I had very dark thoughts. I constantly debated how to end my life. I had fallen into the role of a victim and felt completely hopeless. My zest for life was gone. It was through an acquaintance that I came to MER Biofeedback therapy, and I have already had five sessions.

Stroke - recovery using MER biofeedback therapy

Author of picture: Private Collection

I thought it was my last hope—If it doesn’t help, I don’t know what else would.

Driving to the session with my relatives, I was in an emotional hole and didn’t talk to my mum much. I remember the therapist being very pleasant and kind; we talked about all sorts of topics, and I felt comfortable there. My mum said on the way back that I seemed like a new person. On the drive there, I was down and didn’t say a word, but on the drive home, I was chatty.

Karmel insult ja sellest taastumine

Author of picture: Private Collection

Before MER Biofeedback therapy, I was very depressed.

I constantly struggled with suicidal thoughts and wondered why I survived. I also considered cutting the veins. I experienced transformative results with MER Biofeedback therapy. After the first session of biofeedback therapy, my gloomy mindset was gone! Knowing I had a stroke no longer triggers negative thoughts.

I used to cry constantly and wish I hadn’t survived. I felt broken, like an insignificant person. After the sessions, I cried instead because how could I even think such ugly thoughts of ending my life!

Biofeedback therapy helps clear my head of negative and limiting thoughts, allowing me to focus on what’s important. I now have much more motivation to move forward in life, and my emotions are balanced! My sense of joy and enthusiasm has grown significantly. After each session, I feel happy, motivated, and my thoughts are clear.

Karmel insuldist taastumine biofeedback teraapia abil

Author of picture: Private Collection

The change in attitude that comes with MER Biofeedback therapy has helped speed up my body’s healing process because it’s easier for me to maintain a positive mood.

Stress doesn’t aid recovery, and our thoughts hold incredible power. If you believe you’ll never recover, you likely won’t. Without hope, it’s easy to fall into a deeper hole. MER Biofeedback therapy helps you climb out of that hole.

If you have even one negative thought that you haven’t been able to deal with for a long time, try MER Biofeedback therapy! I’ve learned that neutralising just one negative thought or pattern can make a significant difference in your life. I had a stroke, I’m paralysed, and yet I’m happy! The crushing negative thoughts are gone.

Doctors are amazed at my progress. I can walk on my own, albeit with the support of a cane. My smile has recovered 70%, and I’ve noticed the first signs of movement in my thumb! My recovery from the stroke has been surprisingly positive, thanks to MER Biofeedback therapy. I have 100% faith that I will fully recover!

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia