Autism spectrum disorder and positive change: therapy brought words to a speechless child

Ingrid, Mother of 7-Year-Old Liisu

Liisu was a slightly different child from birth. She demanded a lot of attention from us. Of course, there was also a lot of joy with her, but when she started falling behind in her development, it was a big concern. Liisu was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at the age of 2.5 years. Liisu’s autism spectrum disorder mainly manifested in her being very tearful, not speaking, only pointing, shouting a lot, and not obeying any rules.

Autism spectrum disorder and positive change

We lived every day and every hour worrying about Liisu.

I had to watch her all the time so that she wouldn’t accidentally hurt herself or others or disappear. She never responded when called. She also could not signal when she was hurt. She couldn’t play calmly with her younger sister; it always ended with someone getting hurt. Because of her special nature, we couldn’t leave the house too often as no one else could handle her well. Only I could put her to sleep, she even refused her father.

Then I heard about MER Biofeedback therapy. I immediately felt that this was something that could be a good fit for us. Liisu was already seven years old at that time. Although I didn’t expect results so soon, we noticed changes in her just two weeks after the first session. I remember my husband was the first to say that the therapy must be working. Liisu was much calmer, listened to us, and had found her voice. She started using more words than usual, sang along to songs, and even showed an interest in books, which she never did before.

The situation improved even more with the following sessions. We noticed that she was able to play peacefully with her little sister, she cried less, and the words kept coming. Liisu started to report pain, and when she got hurt, we applied a plaster. If before she didn’t think much of kisses and hugs, now she sometimes comes and asks for a kiss, dear. Bedtime is more pleasant now because Daddy can also do it sometimes, not just me.

Others around us have also noticed changes in Liisu’s nature.

Once I had to leave home unexpectedly and needed a babysitter. Afterwards, the sitter was surprised that it was no longer the same child! We no longer have to desperately follow Liisu all the time.

She responds when I call her and can also play calmly on her own at times. This never happened before!

Now I visit other villages with her more confidently, as she is much calmer. Since starting the therapy, Liisu has also begun to clean up after herself and help us more in the household, which is a completely new development.

Huge changes have taken place in Liisu over a few months. For years, we tried to help and support Liisu as best we could. With the support of MER Biofeedback therapy, Liisu has made progress that we could not have expected or hoped for.

We can now enjoy being together more as a family. We are extremely grateful for MER Biofeedback therapy!

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia