Agoraphobia is a thing of the past – I dare to go to public places again

Mart (53)

I was afraid to leave the house because I feared being around people and avoided crowded places. I couldn’t even go to the shop. I was, in a sense, a home addict. I had agoraphobia. A good friend of mine had undergone biofeedback therapy for her anxiety disorder, and it helped her from the first session. She also convinced me to try therapy. I made an appointment and went with her.

Mart (53) Agoraphobia

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

I wanted my friend to accompany me to the office because I was scared. The therapist didn’t ask anything about my past. He said that, to him, I was like a programme and that with the device, we could find and balance stressors.

I had a hard time believing it could be that simple.

Honestly, I didn’t believe it at first. After the therapy, I felt complete silence in my head! I couldn’t remember the last time I felt such peace. Usually, my thoughts would swing from one extreme to another.

Immediately after therapy, the same friend suggested we go shopping. I agreed, even though such a thing would have been out of the question before. Walking around the shop felt a bit strange, but I was relaxed and able to control myself.

After the first therapy session, I got the courage to go shopping on my own, even though I previously didn’t dare to leave the house. It was a great achievement for me. I even dared to walk alone on the street. After the second therapy session, I visited my relatives and friends, dared to communicate, went to the market, the shop, and even the theatre. My life had completely changed! My agoraphobia was gone! I recommend MER Biofeedback® therapy to anyone struggling with fears and phobias!

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia