Autism spectrum disorder and MER Biofeedback therapy – one family’s life-changing experience

14-Year-Old Piia’s Aunt, Berit

Piia was already different from other children in her early childhood. In retrospect, we have thought that the very first indication of her peculiarity was that she tiptoed. Piia was later diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.

In her case, the autism spectrum disorder manifests itself in behavioural differences. She is very shy and has always had fears and anxieties about various activities. For example, she had a momentary fear of going up the stairs. In addition, she constantly has mood swings, as we like to say in the family centre. Once one issue is resolved, another arises.

Autism spectrum disorder and MER Biofeedback therapy

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

For example, just before starting MER Biofeedback therapy, she began walking strangely.

She would raise her leg very high at times and make a funny step. Although she usually communicated normally with everyone at school, one autumn she started the school year and simply stopped talking. At home, she always talks a lot, sometimes even too much.

She constantly finds a new topic to get absorbed in and asks questions about it all the time. We can’t discuss everything with her, so we have given her books. She likes to read and is generally very smart, even talented. As a small child, she thoroughly read a book on the history of music, for example, and could retell everything by heart.

Before trying MER Biofeedback therapy, Piia and I explored other options, but Piia did not accept any of them.

Autismispektri häire ja biofeedback teraapia

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.