Both grief and sadness disappeared with the help of therapy

Kristel (29)

When I was 28, my mother passed away. She was a perfectly healthy 48-year-old when she was diagnosed with a tumour, and three months later, she was gone. Grief was something entirely new to me, as I had never lost someone close before. I had a very close relationship with my mother, and her death was a tremendous shock.

The impact didn’t hit me immediately. About a month or two after my mother’s death, I began having sudden bouts of crying, and it wasn’t until nine months after she passed that I completely broke down. I developed severe health anxiety, panicking about potential illnesses. If my leg hurt, I immediately assumed the worst. Worried about my health, I visited a family doctor, who diagnosed me with anxiety disorders and depression.

grief and sadness disappeared with the help of therapy

Grief overwhelmed me when I was alone at home. I would lie in bed, crying, with the rooms left uncleaned. Everything made me cry.

I have always been very sensitive, but my mother knew how to calm me down. She was my support. Now, I couldn’t manage on my own. At work, I couldn’t concentrate or think clearly. I had obsessive thoughts, my heart would pound, and anxiety dominated my life. Once, out of the blue, I developed extreme shortness of breath and dizziness, which even led to a visit to the emergency department. It was an absolutely unreal feeling!

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I learned about MER Biofeedback therapy from an acquaintance.

I reached out to them at my lowest point, about nine months after my mother died. I remember the first therapy session very well because, for the first time in my life, my mind was empty of thoughts. I had never experienced this before! Previously, I felt like I had a burden on my heart, but that evening after therapy, I already felt a sense of relief. I noticed that I was calmer and observed that others’ irritations over small things seemed insignificant to me.

My third therapy session was on the anniversary of my mother’s death. A few months earlier, every little thought could make me cry, but now I felt secure, and the anniversary felt like any other ordinary day. I no longer felt overwhelming sadness, instead, I was grateful for the time I had with my mother. She was important to me, but now she’s gone, and that’s part of life. I have come to terms with her death and now know that I can manage on my own.

During therapy, I have also become more aware of other significant events in my life that have affected me, and I can now address them. Grief is no longer a pressing issue for me, and my anxiety has subsided. I can monitor my thoughts and calm myself down.

I recommend MER Biofeedback therapy to anyone who has lost a loved one.

Why live with pain for years when it can be alleviated? My entire outlook has completely changed thanks to biofeedback therapy. In just a few months, I emerged from deep sadness and was able to let go of the heaviness I felt. I know I couldn’t have done it without this support. I encourage everyone to explore the world of mental health more openly and not be ashamed to seek help during difficult times.

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia