Burnout – that’s in the past. I took my life back!
Grete (32)
In the past four years, I have achieved two major dreams – I bought a house on my own and started a business. I had met my goals, but instead of the anticipated happiness, I was hit with deep depression. The house needed renovating, and in addition to managing my own business, I also worked in an office every day. As a result, I felt overwhelmed by burnout.
The work and responsibilities related to the house caused stress. Additionally, the accumulation of other tasks and unread emails left me unable to find joy in anything. My business’s development stagnated, and at my office job, I simply put in the hours. I did the bare minimum but nothing more. I didn’t want to go anywhere or see anyone. I used to love travelling, but now I felt no urge to do so.

Photos: Private collection.
I slept at every opportunity. This was very disturbing, as it sometimes felt like I had three days in one.
I would wake up on Saturday morning, drink coffee, then fall asleep again for a few hours. I would wake up again, do a little bit, then take another nap. During the week, I always had to nap after work, which meant I couldn’t sleep at a normal time in the evening.

I knew something was wrong and that I needed to help myself somehow. While searching the internet for therapies, I found my way to MER Biofeedback® therapy.
Knowing nothing about it, I booked an appointment. Before the first session, I was sleepless, nervous, emotional, and disappointed in myself. I felt I was on the verge of a breakdown. Now I know I found help just in time.
The first therapy session was a wonderful experience for me. The therapist was warm, kind, and bright. I didn’t feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Within the first few minutes, all the tension that had built up inside me was released, and I burst into tears. The therapist identified three very painful but truthful points about me. Hearing them scratched at my soul, these were feelings I hadn’t been able to put into words for myself before.
The therapist warned that various emotions might emerge intensely after the therapy, and there could be some apathy. That’s exactly what happened. While I felt very good during the first week, I was in a total slump for two days afterwards, unable to get up from the couch. I let those emotions pass through me.
After that, everything started to improve – my mind worked better, my mood lifted, and I had enough energy for the whole day again. I no longer took naps! I felt I had gotten my life back!
I have now been to several therapy sessions. In a few months, I have fully regained my joy for life, and burnout is a thing of the past. I consciously monitor my emotions and thoughts daily to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I no longer have oppressive obsessive thoughts, my mind is clear, and I have a sense of direction. I worry much less and am sociable again.
I started exercising again and even bought plane tickets. I’m so happy to have the desire to travel again! I’ve also started working on my house again and I am simultaneously developing my business further. During therapy, I have become more spontaneous and bolder. I feel I want to spend more time with my loved ones.
Most importantly, I recognise myself again! I have rediscovered my inner child and laughter. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes… I am so grateful for these changes! Biofeedback therapy is the only therapy I confidently recommend to my friends. One friend has already tried biofeedback therapy on my recommendation and found it helpful!