From a volatile ADHD child to a happy and curious boy thanks to therapy

Riina, Mother of a 7-Year-Old Child

My son was four years old when I first started thinking that maybe he was not exactly where he should be in his development. Even in kindergarten, the teachers said that he didn’t participate in activities like the other children. Specialists began to suspect that it was attention deficit disorder, or ADHD.

The traits of ADHD were mainly manifested in his inability to listen and remember what was being said to him. Teachers complained that it was impossible to work with him because his attention was constantly distracted. I also noticed that he could not, for example, watch a film to the end in the cinema. He wanted to move around the hall all the time and disturbed others. He couldn’t really do any activity for more than fifteen minutes at a stretch. We were referred to occupational therapy and have been in contact with a special needs teacher and a speech therapist. We received help from them, but progress was slow. When one of the parents in my son’s kindergarten group recommended MER Biofeedback therapy, I decided to give it a try. She had benefited from MER Biofeedback therapy with her child.

From a volatile ADHD child to a happy and curious boy thanks to therapy

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

By that time, my son was already seven years old. In the meantime, no one had given him a diagnosis of ADHD, but the specialists were convinced that he had the characteristics of attention deficit disorder. While attending preschool, it became clear that he was not ready for school, and he received an extension.

After starting MER Biofeedback therapy, I noticed a change right away!

7-aastase lapse ema Riina, pisipilt

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

Right after the first therapy session, my son and I had to memorise a poem to read to Santa. Previously, this would have required a lot of effort and taken days, but suddenly my son joined me in learning the poem quickly, and with just two repetitions, it was in his head. It was unprecedented! I was also particularly amazed that I didn’t have to force him to memorise the poem as before. He was interested and ready for it. We soon tested his ability to concentrate in the cinema, and to my surprise, my son was able to watch the whole film. This had never happened before!

By now, we have attended therapy several times over the past six months. I can confidently say that my son is now completely ready for school. The symptoms of ADHD have subsided, and many of the problems that previously caused concern have completely disappeared. His speech and fine motor skills have improved significantly. Previously, he spoke in slurred speech, but now his speech is much clearer. He also doesn’t forget things as frequently as he used to. In general, he is much more self-aware and open. He is still a very active child, but now he listens to us and it is much easier to communicate with him.

During the course of therapy, my son overcome various minor fears. For example, he used to be intolerant of having his nails and haircut and washing his head. There is no more opposition to these activities. He has also become interested in artistic activities such as drawing and painting, which he previously had no interest in.

I am happy that my child is now much more cheerful and confident. I can sense that he is no longer worrying so much about getting things right or wrong. He can manage himself better, and we are also enjoying our time with him more and more. Big changes have taken place in just half a year.

We are living proof that MER Biofeedback therapy works, and we recommend it to everyone!

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia