MER Biofeedback® Therapy at Lifekeskus

Are you looking to improve your mental wellbeing, elevate the quality of your life, delve deeper into self-awareness, gain a greater understanding of yourself and find explanations for your thoughts & behaviors? Are you struggling with anxiety, fear, feeling emotionally worn-out and drained, or experiencing anguish and lack of motivation? Perhaps you find it challenging to achieve balance in life and feel genuine contentment, or you’re unsure of your life’s purpose and what you truly desire to achieve?

At Lifekeskus, we practise the unique MER Biofeedback® therapy (Mental and Emotional Release Biofeedback) both in Estonia and worldwide. Our trained MER Biofeedback® therapists utilise the biofeedback device to identify and balance negative thought patterns, emotions, and beliefs that have accumulated over time.

In MER Biofeedback® therapy sessions, the therapist plays a key role in identifying stressors specific to the individual through the use of a biofeedback device. The biofeedback device itself cannot independently detect or balance the client’s stress indicators without the therapist’s assistance.

MER Biofeedback® supports emotional balance and stability, and helps maintain a positive mood.

How does MER Biofeedback® Therapy Differ from Other Types of Therapy?

Our skilled MER Biofeedback® therapist, in collaboration with the biofeedback device, identifies and balances:

    • Subconscious negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, also known as emotional triggers (automatic emotional response).**
    • Subconscious negative behavior patterns and automatic emotional reactions.*
    • Repeated unwanted thoughts (intrusive thoughts) or sensations (obsessions) and negative self-talk.
    • Racing thoughts or excessive worries or fears

* Triggers are connected to our thoughts, experiences and memories.
** Subconscious mind contains all of the stored information of everything you have ever experienced.

During therapy, the client does not need to recall or describe negative life events or traumatic experiences. This therapeutic approach means that the therapist does not have to ask questions about past events. Therefore, if you prefer not to speak during the session, you are not required to do so. MER Biofeedback® therapy at Lifekeskus represents a unique therapeutic intervention where, unlike most types of therapy, the therapist discusses the client’s stress indicators, rather than the client themselves.

Lifekeskus employs only certified MER Biofeedback® therapists who have undergone specific training. Service providers offering biofeedback therapy outside Lifekeskus do not possess MER Biofeedback® therapy training or certification

Thanks to our extensive experience, which includes over 20 years and more than 21,000 therapy hours of practice with the biofeedback device, we have developed the MER Biofeedback® therapy methodology and selected only those stress indicators from the device that provide clients with faster and more effective results.

MER Biofeedback® therapy has been developed through long-term research and combines contemporary knowledge of quantum physics and neuroscience with the principles of biofeedback, cognitive, and somatic therapy.

What are Clients' Experiences with MER Biofeedback® Therapy?

Based on client feedback, we have found that MER Biofeedback® therapy effectively identifies and balances negative thought patterns, emotions, and beliefs stemming from life experiences, including traumas. For example, reducing feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, guilt, and sadness can make a person less susceptible to automatic stress responses. This, in turn, helps them better control their reactions and emotions in various situations and with different people, enhancing their focus on daily activities and improving decision-making.

Additionally, MER Biofeedback® therapy can help increase positive emotions such as joy, contentment, and love, while also developing the skills needed to make positive, healthful changes.

The device used in therapy provides MER Biofeedback® therapists with the ability to detect a wide range of negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions. These may include anxiety, fears, anger, sadness, low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, low self-confidence, guilt, loneliness, abandonment, intolerance, and more. Each client has developed unique negative thought patterns and blockages based on their life experiences. Therefore, this therapy provides support for a wide and varied range of issues.

Throughout the therapy process, MER Biofeedback® therapists offer clients an opportunity to gain a better understanding of themselves and observe the dynamics of their inner world.The client becomes aware of their negative thought patterns and more attentive to them, providing a better opportunity to monitor their own behavior and make positive changes to improve their quality of life.

Results of MER Biofeedback® Therapy

Most our clients have already provided feedback after the first therapy session, describing the results as follows:

  • Reduction compulsive thoughts, including the abundance of thoughts, the so-called flurry of thoughts, have subsided.
  • Reduced stress, emotional tension and increased stress tolerance.
  • Reduced emotional and mental exhaustion, including burnout.
  • Reduced anxiety, panic attacks, fears, phobias, and excessive worrying.
  • Decreased sadness, melancholy, feelings of loneliness.
  • Improved self-esteem, confidence, and self-belief.
  • Reduced feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.
  • Reduced guilt and shame.
  • Reduced emotional outbursts, including anger, rage, or frustration.
  • Increased vitality and enthusiasm.
  • Enhanced joy, positivity, willingness to act, and motivation.
  • Enhanced self-awareness (understanding of personal desires and boundaries; discernment of right and wrong), awareness of others, and improved situational awareness.
  • Increased courage to make desired changes, thereby enhancing one’s own quality of life and leading to concrete actions for life changes.
  • Increased self-control, enabling better management of reactions to certain situations and people. Those who previously experienced anger, irritability, frustration, and more, find that these feelings are no longer triggered as before.
  • Better relaxation and more effective management of stress levels and emotions.
  • Reduced hyperactivity, restlessness, and impulsivity.
  • Improved learning ability, concentration, and attention span.
  • Enhanced cognitive skills, including the ability to read, comprehend, relate to existing knowledge, remember, and utilise various types of information (texts, numbers, spatial objects, etc.).

Experiencing the therapy process fosters new positive ways of thinking, acting, and being for clients. MER Biofeedback® therapy supports the development of new positive thought patterns, mental well-being, and emotional balance.

We recommend that clients undergo at least three to five sessions, depending on their emotional state, to achieve more noticeable and lasting results. Depending on the reason for the therapy, there could be a three to six-week interval between sessions. In cases of prolonged depression and during a stressful period of life or work, individuals should undergo therapy more systematically.

How are Stress Indicators Tested and Balanced?

In MER Biofeedback® therapy, the therapist uses a biodeedback device to measure the client’s stress indicators through sound, light, and colours, specifically low frequencies. For example, new-generation smartwatches and glucose sensors operate on a similar principle.

MER Biofeedback® therapy is a safe, non-invasive, and non-manipulative method with no negative side effects. The device works bidirectionally; it not only tests negative thought patterns and emotions, but also balances them during the same session.

The biofeedback device cannot independently identify and balance the client’s stress indicators without the therapist’s assistance. MER Biofeedback® therapists are trained to detect the client’s personal negative thought patterns, emotions, limiting beliefs, and compulsions using the biofeedback device.

During the process, the device displays the person’s negative thought patterns on the screen, transmitting information to the therapist in the form of descriptions and percentages (0-100). Based on the data synthesized by the biofeedback device, the therapist informs the client about which stress indicators are causing tension and hindering their progress in life. 

During therapy, the client does not need to recall or describe negative life events or traumatic experiences. This therapeutic approach means that the therapist does not have to ask questions about past events. Therefore, if you prefer not to speak during the session, you are not required to do so. MER Biofeedback® therapy at Lifekeskus represents a unique therapeutic intervention where, unlike most types of therapy, the therapist discusses the client’s stress indicators, rather than the client themselves.

Data exchange with the biofeedback device occurs via sensors placed on the head, wrists, and ankles. The sensors are made from a special conductive silicone that allows communication at low frequencies through a computer’s USB port and a multifunctional interface box. Testing with the device is based on the „action and reaction“ principle, applying a challenge („action“) to the client and measuring the body’s response to this challenge („reaction“). The fundamental operating principle of the device is as follows: the device sends a square wave signal to the sensors with an amplitude of 5 volts and a 50% duty cycle. The frequency used by the device is approximately 47.3 kHz.

The biofeedback device has been issued with a CE conformity certificate, valid within the EU.

MER Biofeedback® therapy:

  • is not a substitute for medical care or ongoing treatment;
  • is suitable for use in combination with drugs, conventional medicine, and natural healing methods;
  • is intended for people of all ages, from toddlers (1 year old) to the elderly.

Note: MER Biofeedback® therapy is not carried out on pregnant women or individuals with pacemakers, glucose sensors, or transplanted organs.

Description of the Therapy Session

During the MER Biofeedback® therapy session, the client is directed to sit comfortably in an armchair. The device’s sensors are attached around the client’s head, wrists, and ankles for connection to a computer.

Using the device during therapy is analogous to using a smartwatch.

For toddlers, the sensors are attached around the head or abdomen. 

During the session, the therapist speaks positively about the client, ensuring a safe and comforting environment. 

Books, drawing tools, and toys are also available for children, who may play during the therapy if they wish. Clients may bring a toy or game that interests the child.

Throughout the therapy, the therapist provides each client with personal, positive recommendations to improve their quality of life. After a session, most people feel relaxed and at ease. 

MER Biofeedback® therapists guide you towards inner balance and well-being, empowering you on a journey of self-discovery and positive transformation. 

At the first session, the therapist provides the client with a leaflet entitled “New Programs”, enabling the client to start developing new positive ways of thinking, acting, and being. The information given assists the client in finding suitable affirmations, along with new positive and supportive aspects and activities to enhance their quality of life.

Tartu branch of Lifekeskus

Formation of Unconscious Thought Patterns and Their Influence

Unconscious thought patterns and beliefs often form through repeated exposure to specific ideas, behaviors, or emotional responses during key developmental periods or significant life experiences. These patterns can influence decision-making, emotional reactions, and behaviors without us being fully aware of their origins.

Unconscious thought patterns and limiting beliefs are programmes based on emotions and experiences that arise when we see, hear, feel, or experience something. Thus, life experiences shape our beliefs. The quality of these beliefs depends on the environment in which we were raised or the circumstances in which we currently live. Our thought patterns and beliefs are those thoughts that we consciously or unconsciously accept as truth in our lives. Whether we are aware of it or not, they can obstruct our ability to live freely and comfortably.

These programmed triggers, even if we are not aware of them, guide our decisions and behaviours, and shape our lives. The feeling of lack is one of the most common programmes that we involuntarily impose on ourselves and significantly affects our lives. It is an unconscious limiting belief such as: ‘He is smarter than me’, ‘She is more beautiful than me’, ‘He is richer than me’, etc.

Only trained and certified MER Biofeedback® therapists work at the Lifekeskus.


Ülle has been dedicated to practising biofeedback therapy since 2003.


Angelika has found her heart's calling through practicing MER Biofeedback® therapy.


Veronika knows from experience that it is possible to achieve inner contentment with the help of MER Biofeedback® therapy.

Kristo Epner

As a MER Biofeedback® therapist, Kristo aims to encourage clients to make changes to improve their quality of life.


Katrin helps clients identify and release the negative thought patterns that prevent them from enjoying life with ease.


Alice knows that healing the emotional body opens the door to the healing of physical body.


As a MER Biofeedback® therapist, Marili hopes to help clients achieve self-discovery and boost their self-confidence.

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia