My child suffered from ablutophobia (fear of washing), and just one session of therapy brought a solution

Eve, mother of a 5-year-old child

I am the mother of a 5-year-old son. When my son was three, we had a major problem with washing. Every time I bathed him, he screamed non-stop, especially when it came to washing his head. I had tried everything, including various play strategies, but nothing could calm him down during bath time. It was heartbreaking, but he needed to be washed. Friends recommended biofeedback therapy.

Eve 5 year old child ablutophobia

The picture is illustrative. Image by Freepik.

We had been dealing with this issue for years with no improvement. I was hopeful that MER Biofeedback® therapy could help us.

After an hour of therapy, my son was tired and sleepy, and I put him to bed immediately. A few days later, it was time for another bath. I prepared him as usual, expecting the usual screaming when I put him in the bath. To my surprise, he didn’t yell!

I put his toys in the water, and he immediately started playing with them without any distress.

Even washing his head went smoothly. I was relieved and overjoyed that we had finally solved this problem and that my son’s stress was alleviated. It has been a few months since the therapy, and we haven’t had any issues with bathing since. His ablutophobia is gone!
I highly recommend MER Biofeedback® therapy to other parents facing similar challenges.

We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia