The anguish is gone, and my eyes are shining again

Janne (39)

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting isolation made me feel cut off from the world. After a year and a half of enduring the waves of the virus and alternating between working from home and the office, I had grown weary of it all. I felt exhausted and depressed. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes were dull. I felt as though I had disappeared. My hair colour had grown out, and the idea of buying new clothes for the summer didn’t interest me. I felt lost in my routine life and realised that something was missing.

I had a clear idea in my mind of what needed to be done, but I couldn’t take any real steps. I understood that no therapy could provide what was missing, but I needed a push, a spark in my batteries, to get myself going again.

Janne (39) anguish is gone

The picture is illustrative

A friend recommended MER Biofeedback® therapy to me. I had never heard of it before, but I decided to give it a try. After the first session, I came home in the evening, looked in the mirror, and saw that my eyes were shining brightly! And they still shine!

The change was immediate; the anguish was gone!

Within a few days, I noticed that I no longer dwelled on trivial things. I could focus on one activity without my mind constantly wandering. The noise in my head disappeared.

I attended several more therapy sessions, and thanks to the therapy, a significant change began in me – I started to put myself first. I began saying no, which was a very important change for me. I used to struggle with saying no to people without feeling guilty. Now, when I need to rest, I rest and turn off my phone if necessary.

I also started valuing myself as a woman. I’m a very natural person and have never liked to dress up much. However, during the therapy period, something clicked in me, and I began to place much more emphasis on my appearance. After the first therapy session, I dyed my hair, something I hadn’t done in a while.

Thanks to MER Biofeedback® therapy, I have taken steps I would never have dared to take before. I am more confident and self-aware, making decisions boldly to improve my happiness. I recommend this therapy to anyone who feels they need a change in their life but don’t know where to start.

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We are pioneers in the field of biofeedback therapy in Estonia